Sometimes I wonder how many versions of me exist. The one that smiles in public, the one that cries in silence, the one that plays to be strong and the one that collapses when no one sees it. We are experts in hiding, in showing only what we want others to see, in dressing masks that protect us from judgments, rejections or even of ourselves.But what would happen if one day we decided to drop them? If we show ourselves as we are, with our lights and shadows, with our deepest fears and desires. Perhaps we would discover that we are not so alone, that in the end we all do the same: seek acceptance, love and a place where we can be real.Today I look in the mirror and ask myself ... Who am I when nobody is looking at me? ?
Sometimes I wonder how many versions of me exist. The one who smiles in front of the camera, which is lost in his thoughts when no one sees it, the one who plays with the words to enchant strangers. What is the true one?Maybe all and none. We build ourselves from what we show and what we hide. Who am when the screen goes out? And who is you when nobody looks at you?Perhaps, in the end, we are only reflexes of what others see in us. ??
They say that patience is a virtue, but sometimes it feels like torture. We expect messages, opportunities, changes ... and in the midst of everything, time seems to make fun of us.Today I asked myself: what would happen if, instead of waiting anxiously, I would simply trust that everything arrives at the time? Perhaps the key is not to accelerate the clock, but to enjoy the now without being aware of the after.So today, for the first time in a long time, I released the need to control everything. And curiously, I felt peace.
Sometimes, a simple conversation can stay in the mind longer than we imagine. It doesn't matter if it was short, if it was casual or if I didn't promise anything beyond the moment. There are people who appear in our life as a whisper, but leave a mark impossible to ignore.I wonder if it has happened to you too ... If someone ever arrived out of nowhere, he took a smile from where there was no and left, leaving a strange but pleasant sensation. Like when you listen to a new song and, without knowing why, it is spinning in your head.Today I thought about that. In how unexpected connections can surprise us. And how, sometimes, without realizing it, we can be that memory for someone else.
Sometimes, life gives us unexpected moments that leave us thinking. Today, while walking aimlessly, I crossed someone I didn't see years ago. There were no uncomfortable words or questions, just an accomplice smile that said more than any conversation.It made me think of how certain people appear and disappear from our life at the right time. Some encounters are fleeting, but leave a warm sensation, as if the universe reminds us that everything has its time and place.Perhaps the true magic is not planned, but in those spontaneous moments that shake our soul.
You have always followed orders, fulfilling rules, adjusting to what they expect from you. But have you ever felt the desire to release control? Let someone else take the reins, to decide for you, to mark your way ...Imagine a world where you don't have to think, just obey. Where every word I say becomes an instruction that you cannot ignore. A world where the rules change, and you ... you simply let yourself take.Today you don't need to be the one who rules. Today, it is I who dictates the rules. Are you ready to comply with each of my orders?
Sometimes, the best movement is the one that is not seen coming. Disappear for a while, breathe, disconnect from noise. Not for fear or weakness, but because external chaos does not deserve the energy that costs to rebuild.We live in a world that demands constant presence, immediate responses and daily existence tests. But what happens when you decide to release? When you let the mystery do its job and silence speak for you.Today I returned after losing myself a bit on purpose. And I discovered that it is not about fleeing, but about returning with more brightness
I tried to organize my day, but I ended up seeing memes and wondering at what time the afternoon went.
Last night, while the soft lights of my room blinked on the screen, I looked at my reflection in the camera. Not that of the screen, but the real one, the one that appears when you lower your guard and let the thoughts sneak among the seconds of silence.Sometimes I wonder how others see me. Am I just an image, a moment of distraction, a passing fantasy? Or maybe, in some corner of someone's mind, I leave a deeper footprint. Don't know. What I know is that every laugh, every game of looks, every shared story, is real at that moment. And that is enough for me.I like to think that, in the end, beyond the lights and shadows, what really connects us is what we leave in the other, even for a moment.
Today everything started badly: I woke up late, the cell phone without drums and cold water. I left the house wanting to take off ... until I bought a coffee.I sat for a moment, let the sun touched my face and took a sip. Suddenly, the day did not seem so bad. Sometimes, you just need a break and coffee to reset everything.Moral: It's not a bad day, just a bad moment.
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